Friday, December 09, 2005

Christmas Shopping

I went to Guildford today in search of Christmas gifts for friends and family. After little success I came home empty handed. If anyone has any ideas please feel free to respond. I think that each year it gets harder because people have more and more possessions. In the world we live in today, most in this Country are able to afford not only everything they need but most of the things they want. Furthermore I am sure that innovation has not matched the general speed of economic development because it seems that we are inventing less. In the old days when Paul Martin was a young lad, and most survived on a packet of crisps and a loaf of Hovis, is was surely far easier to identify a gift that someone wanted but didn’t already have.

With this in mind, I have brought my entrepreneurial skills to the fore and come up with the following ideas that will hopefully make ideal Christmas presents for poker players. Provided that manufacturers take these ideas on board then shopping for Christmas 2006 should be a far easier proposition than this year.

Here is what will be filling your stocking in December 2006:

Charlie and The Chip Factory – Board game based on the movie

Love or loath him 2005 was the year that the Bubble’s bubble finally burst. After an unproven accusation of chip theft resulted in suspension, Charlie Bambos returned to Luton only to be caught on camera soon after. Banned by the Rank Leisure group with little chance of readmission, he’ll have no choice but to put his name to this board game as he searches for an alternative career path.

The aim of the game is to get your “umpa lumpas” to manufacture as many chips as possible in order to validate your golden ticket, whilst you also try to stop you opponent from doing the same. The ultimate aim of the game is to steal your opponents golden ticket whilst he or she is not looking, thus declaring yourself the winner, and telling your opponent how he or she made a mistake by getting overcommitted with their umpa lumpas so early on in the game.

Autobiography: The Craig Grant Story – 20,000 Leagues Out Of My Depth.

Yep it’s the book we’ve all been waiting for. He’s never short of a story or twelve, and his enforced sabbatical means that Jackanory himself should finally find time to commit his memoirs to print. Obviously Craig would struggle to string a couple of sentences together by himself, so he could team up with his old pal Jules Verne. Apparently they once split a $2m Omaha pot at the Bellagio with Ace High and have remained friends ever since. Craig and Jules will co-write what is sure to be a bestseller and a must for fiction lovers everywhere.


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