Friday, February 03, 2006

Free Tibet

This is a serious issue. Yes, I’m being serious for a moment, although it will not become a habit I assure you. This post is therefore a one off campaign to end the Chinese occupation of Tibet and accept the Tibetans’ right to determine their own future.

I also, for reason that will shortly become apparent, need to mention ‘The Massacre at Tiananmen Square’ which took place on the 4th of June 1989 and highlights the suppression of the democratic uprising.

Come on Tef you can do it. Marmite, Lounge Burger get ready to feel the pain.


Blogger David Young said...

What personal sacrifices are you prepared to make to see Tibet made independent?

What military force would you sanction the west taking against China?

What level of casualties:

a) British

b) Chinese & Tibetan

are acceptable in this quest?

Not mocking. Serious questions to which I don't know the answers.


2:40 AM  
Blogger Matt said...


I must at this point confess that whilst I have opinions on Tibet, the primary purpose of my post was to facilitate a bet between myself and three friends. I guess I should post something quite soon to clarify the reasons for my posting (I can't at the moment - I've just taken a 5 minute break from doing my bollocks on the superbowl).

Nevertheless I feel that I should make some attempt to provide an answer to your question.

Chinese casualties leading up to the 4th of June 1989 were many. Quite how many will never really be disclosed. Figures are about but they vary wildly from different sources.

History tells us that people have died for democracy. In China in England in the USA and all over the world. The Suffragettes obtained votes for women only 100 years ago.

To answer the question on level of casulties you have to ask the price of democracy, and assess the value of human life.

How democratic can an electoral system that Chinese Officials would refer to as 'a single party democracy' really be?

And what value do you place on creating a more democratic system?

3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings From China.

It's just after 4pm on Friday afternoon. It's been a reasonably clear day so far and the temperature must be about 50 degrees.

Express your show of faith has been rewarded.

Lounge Burger, Marmite feel the pain. FEEL THE FUCKING PAIN.

PS - I'll be back in 8 days. Marmite pick me up from the airport you prick. Oh and have my money ready.

Matt I'm getting right in to this internet and posting stuff. Perhaps you would like to send me your password and 'throw the floor' over to me.

From now on you should refer to me as the postman because I always deliver first class!

Best Regards,

Tef (aka The Postman)

12:23 AM  

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