Saturday, January 02, 2010

I'm Back

Quite incredibly I managed to reset my password.

Having spent many an occassion over the last couple of years trying to remember my password, it literally hit me, or more correctly she walked into me, at lunchtime today in Guildford. She always was a little clumsy. Quite a moment it was too, for me anyway, although I am not entirely sure she quite understood the significance of our encounter.

I have now logged in, converted to a google account, reset my password and allsorts.

DY will be pleased, I have seen him a couple of times recently and promised him the address of my other blog that I started while I was unable to access this one. Unfortunately the details of that one kind of dissapeared a few months ago when my laptop was rather rudely taken from the boot of my car while I played golf at Stockley Park.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

The New Luton

I visited the new Luton for the first time this week. I suppose the first thing to mention is that it is unfortunately still in Luton, but it is otherwise fairly impressive.

The new tournament starting time of 8pm is generally a good thing (a bit of a traffic issue for me personally), however the restaurant/kitchen opening time remaining at 7pm causes a bit of a problem, and one would assume a resultant lack of dry sales.

I also think they missed an opportunity in not making the whole casino non-smoking from the outset. As of July 1st it will be compulsory, so why not save the need for redecorating and replacing the smoke sore furnishings in four months time.

Also the still room (thats where the waitresses used to prepare sandwiches) seems to have very limited facilities. The waitresses generally work tirelessly, but the new catering arrangements have so far caused the waitresses no end of grief, as they find themselves caught in the middle of disgruntled customers and overworked kitchen staff.

I'll write a bit more when I have formulated more reasoned opinions.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


That Albert Eistein is proving to be one clever chap. I still think it can be done, I just need a greater level of intelligence and knowledge. Unfortunately at the moment both his special and general theories are beyond my scope of understanding.

Furthermore, the Irish Spaniard Alex Lopez proved to be of little help (given that he is not a scientist), so its back to square one (or in terms of space, time and relativity I am back to a subatomic particle on a jouney to a supercluster). The only positive to report so far is that I think my constant questioning has really pissed off Pokerstars. So I definitely plan to carry on. How they can have the audacity to claim that their random number generator it totally independent when nothing is absolutely independent of or separate from other things; everything is interconnected and interdependent, and participates in an intricate, vibrant web of causal interactions.

Anyhow, the investigation must go on.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Relativistic Cosmology

If upon seeing the title you are expecting to read about atomic transition probabilities then I am afraid you are about to be dissapointed.

I feel that once I understand it fully then I should be able to predict which cards come next on the following sites. Tribecca, Playtech, Pokerstars and full-tilt. Unfortunately Paradise uses a different random number generation technique.

Now each of these sites use a form of random number generation based on space and time together with mouse movements. Now if we believe that all continuims are in some way connected and the universe is infinite, with infinite universes surrounding it, we should be able to, with clever use of Einsteins special and general theories of relativity, be able to predict (or at least narrow down) the likely cards to appear at a particular point.

As such I have devoted most of the weekend to studying Einstein. So far I understand that he managed to dodge both military service and becoming the second president of Israel (he wasn't a bad judge was he), but relativity is proving slightly more tricky.

I think I might try and enlist the help of Alex Lopez. He seems to have a decent understanding of the basic mechanics of poker mathematics and must know more about this than me. In addition I have emailed Pokerstars with my current findings and they just seem to think I am some random pest.

So far the only other thing I have managed to achieve this weekend is to upset a couple of nice folk who came to the door to talk about religion earlier this morning. They rang the bell, presumably expecting to be told to piss off like normal, and for some inexplicable reason I invited them in for a cup of tea. I seemed to be in a perculiar mood, and I didn't really care much for their thoughts, so I said nothing expecting them to waffle on for a bit then be on their way next door.

That was until they mentioned the big bang theory, at which point I joined in (by joined in I mean started an argument). "It's a load of old bollocks this big bang" was I think my first introduction to the conversation. A discussion about evolution took place and they harped on about some shit. These religious types didn't care much for evolution. Those pesky scientists together with their annoying little thing called evidence really do seem to have shit on their big bang parade.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Oopsy Daisy

Great news to report from Matthew's mentally unstable little world.

No I haven't won any comps. In fact I can barely win a hand, but I have just found Daisy the Dragon so things are now looking great.

Now that Oopsy Daisy's back I am contemplating a last minute trip to the Broadway, as I feel that I can play live tournament poker again. Since our separation last year, (I actually thought I had left it in a Walsall hotel) I have not felt comfortable without the Dragon there to keep an eye on me. I even tried getting a replacement but for some reason it just wasn't the same.

Having just found Daisy behind a book in my bookshelf, I have promised not to neglect it again, so it has no need to snuggle up behind the Dickie Bird autobiography anymore.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Countdown Begins

I'm currently very excited by the new season of 24 that starts this evening. As a veteran of all 5 previous seasons I can declare without any shame that it has become an integral part of my life. I remember where I was when it became apparent that Nina was the mole (day 1), I remember Jack shooting a dog and blowing up CTU on day two, and in two hours time day six arrives. I'm quite glad I bombed out of Luton late last night now. I could never play knowing that the series opener was on the television.

Brighton next week is on my agenda. A good restaurant, attractive waitresses and hopefully a few quid here and there. A tournament touch would be nice, but to be honest I don't really care how I make it and the cash action there is like buying money.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The further you are behind the harder you funk!

As its Christmas I thought I would write a feature-length special. So to celebrate the season of goodwill I am generously sharing my secrets.

For all the literature now availble regarding poker strategy, massive holes still remain. Coverage of key techniques such as nipping and straddling the blinds is pitiful. I address these issues to rectify this obvious shortcoming.

Tip 1 - Winning From Behind. The Art of The Outdraw.

All sorts of drink induced thoughts have entered my head over the last few days. Not least that getting all your chips in the pot in very bad shape is much like a football team being reduced to ten men. For my Irish readers that's Hurling without the sticks / the thing Steve Staunton is making an almighty mess of. In the same way that a team will unify, and seemingly try that bit harder to compensate for the numerical disadvantage, I tend to try that bit harder to funk the cards in.

This is in my opinion why so many beats occur online. It's bad manners to funk cards in when playing in a live situation, but online no one can hear you, so you have a duty to yourself.

However, say for example you hold Ac10c and get it all in on a flop of 10c 7s 2h, when some mug is sitting there with Kings. There is absolutely no point in wasting valuable funking energy trying to get running clubs when any old ace or ten will do nicely. You don't need the flush so don't be greedy! Furthermore your need for a backdoor flush might be greater next time, when you get it in with AdKd on a board of Kc 9h 4d and some mug has a set of nines. I hope you didn't funk the clubs in last time, we all remember about the boy who cried wolf.

In summary therefore tip 1 is funk hard, but don't waste them.

Tip 2 Dodging A Nip

There are a number of Nip Defence Strategies (NDS) that can be adopted. My personal favourite is the Pre-Emptive Pre-Nip Defence Strategy (PEP NDS), but other favourites include the Instictive Reaction to Potential Nip Defence Strategy (IRP NDS) and the Nip Evasion Via Alternate Channelling Of Funds (NEVACOF).

A good way to perform the PEP is to seek out the nipper before he finds you. Get your request in first and ask him to borrow some money. It is now unlikely that he will try to nip you. If he later spies you with money he will most probably assume that you have borrowed it from another source.

The Neil Channing "I'm doing my bollocks" line is a strand of IRP. For example, if you see Neil in the Vic and casually approach to ask how he is doing, he will usually reply with "I'm doing my bollocks." He's not really, he's probably winning, but he can't help himself from quickly answering in this fashion. It's an instinctive, almost automated reply designed to discourage the nipper from continuing. Others IRPs that may work include these approved reactions to the question "How are you doing":
*"Yeah, fine thanks. Just going to dinner now actually." As you hastilly leave the table say "Back in a couple of hours." He's unlikely to want to wait that long.
*Immediately pick up your phone and make an "urgent" phone call. Hopefully he'll find another target.
*Order a drink and a sandwich and engage the waitress in lengthy conversation. Perhaps even walk with her to the kitchen to escape the more persistent nipper.
*"No good. It seems like I've been nipped by every fucker with an S in his name today" (Hint - if he doesn't have an S in his name use another letter)

NEVACOF is a relately new strategy, but nonetheless very effective. Upon approach from a nipper, quickly dash to the restaurant to lend all your money to someone infinitely more reliable, thus rendering the initial request ineligible. This person could even be another nipper, but one with a higher credit line. This particular strand of NEVACOF is often referred to by the more popular term Nip Evasion Via Alternative Nip (NEVA NDS).

The history of the NEVACOF defence strategy is quite interesting. Rumour has it that it was a means by which Bulgarian government officials were able to syphon money away from public services, in order to promote their own private interests. Government officials were able to pay vast sums into the bank account of a Mr Novokov, who was throughout the 1980's believed to be a specialist consultant to the Bulgarian government, and an apparent expert in public services. However, little did anyone know at that time that he was in fact channelling the funds in an alternative manner. From this technique an NDS was derived and some people still refer to this NDS as either the Bulgarian NOVAKOV or NEVACOF.

In summary then tip 2 is get yourself a NDS. Consider further study and then implementation of either a PEP, IRP, or the Bulgarian NEVACOF

Tip 3 Protecting a Live Straddle

If you're doing your money the best way to get out of it (well it's certainly not to knuckle down and play well) is to make the game bigger by straddling the blinds from early position.
Now, what then often happens is that a player with a strong holding in a better position than yourself will raise, prefering to play an even bigger pot against you. Probably because he feels that he has position and likes his hand compared to your blind holding. This is his big mistake.

I recommend firing back. Lets face it, you are playing badly so barring a cold deck you are going to struggle to get the chips in from the front. Therefore the more you can get in when there are still plenty of cards to come the better. Also remember that you have first stab at the flop as well, so you might as well use it. Then silently employ tip one.

Tip 3 summary. If someone raises your live straddle he's made the mistake of giving you a chance to get out of it. Use it. And use the force.

Tip 4 Making The Fourth Raise Pre-Flop In Omaha With Sixes Single Suited

I must at this point stress that it's tough to make the fifth raise unless they're double suited.

You hold 2h3c6c6s, not the best, but you're doing your money. Now winning with this hand is going to be tough, but you must raise to narrow the field because your hand plays better short handed. It is not going to be easy to beat one opponent with this hand let alone a whole table. My recommendation is that the third raiser will be some mug with the aces, so try to play him heads up and funk hard to get the six in. Scope for redraw will be limited assuming that the first two raisers probably had at least one ace between them.

In summary tip 4. It is easier to beat one person than seven. So if you have a crap hand raise the pot and play it short handed.