Gamble Landed!
Sorry folks the Free Tibet post was something of a red herring. I’m not launching a crusade against the Chinese regime but merely made the post for the purposes of a bet. To be honest it’s perhaps the most ridiculous wager I have had since the Sudoku Challenge that I foolishly accepted. That was a while ago now - 24 randomly selected Times fiendish sudokus in 24 hours.
Anyway here’s what happened. Three weeks ago three of my reprobate friends and I had a little reunion. The somewhat undistinguished quartet of Lounge Burger, Teflon, Marmite and myself were having an Indian meal, and discussing the somewhat controversial decision of Google to enter the Chinese market, and allowing themselves to be censored by Beijing.
The conversation got slightly more pathetic as the evening wore on, but it transpired that Tef and to a certain extent I, were of the opinion that it was “mostly bollocks” (politically ingenious Tef!). Thus even if Google censored the search results, the ‘Great Fire Wall of China’ (as it has been poetically dubbed), would certainly not be complete enough to block anything more than a small minority of sites with content that would be seen to contradict the views of the People’s Republic of China.
Both drunk and headstrong Tef stood up and boisterously declared “fuck it, I’m going to China to find out for myself.” Once the entire restaurant had stopped looking at us and returned to consuming their meals we continued the discussion and decided upon a wager.
The content was mutually agreed, and put on the blog and Tef agreed to access it from an internet café in Beijing. The sweet (crispy) aromatic success is now all mine (and Tef’s obviously) as his posting has just been confirmed. Tef posted from Beijing last week but Marmite and Lounge Burger (losers) didn’t believe him that he was in China. Having just returned he has produced a shop receipt verifying his location on the 10th of February.
Sorry for the confusion folks. Also the next post on this site will be from Tef. I apologise in advance for any swearwords he may use, his vocabulary is somewhat limited.
Anyway here’s what happened. Three weeks ago three of my reprobate friends and I had a little reunion. The somewhat undistinguished quartet of Lounge Burger, Teflon, Marmite and myself were having an Indian meal, and discussing the somewhat controversial decision of Google to enter the Chinese market, and allowing themselves to be censored by Beijing.
The conversation got slightly more pathetic as the evening wore on, but it transpired that Tef and to a certain extent I, were of the opinion that it was “mostly bollocks” (politically ingenious Tef!). Thus even if Google censored the search results, the ‘Great Fire Wall of China’ (as it has been poetically dubbed), would certainly not be complete enough to block anything more than a small minority of sites with content that would be seen to contradict the views of the People’s Republic of China.
Both drunk and headstrong Tef stood up and boisterously declared “fuck it, I’m going to China to find out for myself.” Once the entire restaurant had stopped looking at us and returned to consuming their meals we continued the discussion and decided upon a wager.
The content was mutually agreed, and put on the blog and Tef agreed to access it from an internet café in Beijing. The sweet (crispy) aromatic success is now all mine (and Tef’s obviously) as his posting has just been confirmed. Tef posted from Beijing last week but Marmite and Lounge Burger (losers) didn’t believe him that he was in China. Having just returned he has produced a shop receipt verifying his location on the 10th of February.
Sorry for the confusion folks. Also the next post on this site will be from Tef. I apologise in advance for any swearwords he may use, his vocabulary is somewhat limited.